Monday, January 6, 2014

A Break for Artists in Blogland

Hi, friends!

Thank you for your continued support and participation at Artists in Blogland.  It's been fun to see so many people share their artwork here!

I've had a lot of fun throughout the past couple of years running Artists in Blogland and at this point in my life, I am going to take a break.  I feel like I need to scale back on things that I am doing.  I want to make sure that my heart and soul is put into everything I do.  If it isn't, then I know I need to simplify.

Some of you know that I am pregnant again and in April my life is going to get a lot crazier, I'm sure!  
There are a lot of great resources on Artists in Blogland and I'm going to leave the group up for the time being.  If you have made a tutorial or there is something you'd like to save for reference, go ahead and copy it for your files.  At some point, I may be taking the blog down.

I'd love to keep in touch with you at my blog!

I encourage you to check out some of these other free groups if you are interested:

Paint Party Friday
Inspiration Avenue
Julie Balzer has Art Journal link ups on Fridays
Creating and Sharing Our Art on Facebook
What Did You Make Today?  on Facebook