Friday, September 23, 2011

New Hosts

Thank you to Annie  and Joni who are going to help me out with hosting this blog group! 

Do you have any ideas for us to spice things up in here?


  1. whoohooo...glad to be on board! What do you think about starting a creative Artists in Blogland tribe? If you're on twitter it's a way to auto tweet our posts to each others followers.
    Also maybe the group here could have a monthly or bi-weekly theme prompt...themes could be submitted by the blog followers (similar to IF, but could be any creative medium) and or an art trade (small ACEO's or tiny pieces of art) that we could trade with each other based on seasons or some time frame! Just some thoughts...running away with me! LOL POP ART MINIS

  2. You're welcome Marcia! I'm looking forward to whatever I can do to help!

  3. Wow Joni! I'm fairly new to blogging...even newer to following but I love your ideas and will do more research in hopes to get all of them started!

  4. Thanks Annie and Joni...hoping to have a lot of fun sharing art in here.... I'm a newbie learning about the happenings in blogosphere. If time permits your comments on my blog will be appreciated :-)
